an agile framework
for managing the cultural change


The Open Transformation is a proprietary strategic framework for driving people change in the Digital Era.
As a continuous learning process, the framework includes a series of experiential formats and a Transformation Journey model for planning the initiatives that will form part of the journey. Smartive maps the population with its own diagnostic tool SmartiveMapand it tracks the improvements with the Smartive Index. This is a holistic KPI for measuring the level of Digital competences and openness to change throughout the journey.



Change is acquired by trying and doing: The Open Transformation aims to engage people with active learning experiences



We drive Change in an Agile way: using short, reiterative cycles of activities with an approach based on listening and designing the way forward



All our formats include moments of cross-functional and outside-in contamination: start-uppers, peers, talents are actively involved.



We map the attitudes to Digital Transformation and track improvements with our proprietary analytical tools


our formats are designed to increase the engagement of the PEOPLE through sharing, experiencing and matching


All our formats are compatible with most important interprofessional Italian funds

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All the formats are available also
in a remote/digital way